Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Photo my Daughter-in-Law took

This is a photo my daughter-in-law Leslie took at the Summer Palace in China. I think she captured the beauty and serenity of the place quite nicely. Her camera is top of the line, too. I hope she sends me many more to study and learn from.

I find I am always looking for good composition now that I am taking this photography course. One of the main concepts that is taught in the course is the "rule of thirds." This is not really a rule per se, but is a guide to give the viewer's eye an idea of where the main subject is. The rule is very easy to understand. Simply imagine a tic-tac-toe board superimposed over the picture. That makes nine squares, three accross and three down. You try to place your main subject, not in the center square, as most people who shoot photos do, but near the intersection of two or three squares. So the people walking across the bridge are close to the intersection of squares 1,2, and 4. The red flower in the tree is near the intersection of squares 6,8, and 9. I had not noticed until I wrote this that the bridge, and the reflection of the trees in the water make the 9 "squares" very distinct. I had not consciously thought of that when I cropped the picture.

Technically, all I did was crop this from the original photo, and sharpen the contrast to give the effect of a painting. Not much else was done. Leslie gave me permission to use this photo on the blog, and I thank her for that. I hope she sends me more pictures from China soon.


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